• Your partner for freshwater and saltwater aquaristics

Preis Opti-Mix

Preis Opti-Mix



Preis Optimi-Mix
Primary-feed and Spirulina Tabs combined, the perfect feed-mix created spe­cific­ally for salt­water animals such as prawns, crabs, hermits and reef lobsters.

Healthy shell growth and trouble-free skinning are guar­an­teed by the varied, high-quality diet. Vitamin C and addi­tion­al vitamins strengthen the animal, and protect it from defi­ciency symptoms and illness.

Subject to the size of the animals feed each animal 1 tab every 1-3 days.

Spirulina Tabs with spirulina, veget­ables, algae, veget­able by-products, yeast, cereals and anti­ox­id­ants. Spirulina with essen­tial amino acids, Vitamins A, B, and E and high con­cen­tra­tions of calcium, iron and mag­nesi­um.

Primary-feed tabs with artemia salina, various types of fish, crus­ta­ceans, yeast, cereals and anti­ox­id­ants. Artemia salina & fish and crab produce with a par­tic­u­larly high con­cen­tra­tion of vitamin D, iodine and Omega 3 fatty acids.

Art.Nr. 262

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