• Your partner for freshwater and saltwater aquaristics

NANO Water Controller

NANO Water Con­trol­ler


Seawater & Freshwater

NANO WaterController
Auto­mat­ic water con­trol­ler for nano-aquar­i­ums. The new NANO water con­trol­ler ensures a constant water level in fresh water and salt water aquar­i­ums.

A float switch controls the water level, switch­ing on a pump in the event of an excess­ive fall in the water level; this pumps water from a reserve tank and refills the aquarium.

  • Nano float unit 12 volt Nano water pump 6 watt, 90/l h
  • 1.5m pumping height Nano plug-in
  • Trans­former 12 volt with switch

Free! 1m air tube

Product enquiry

KomponenteTechnische DatenFördermengeFörderhöhe
NANO Was­ser­pumpe6 Watt90/l h1,5m
NANO Schwim­mein­heit12V
NANO Ste­cker­trafo12 Volt
(mit Schalt­ein­heit)
Preis Aquaristik - Fachhandel der Aquarianer!