• Your partner for freshwater and saltwater aquaristics

Preis Mineral Salt

Preis Mineral Salt



Preis Mineral Salt
PREIS MINERAL SALT is a mixture of all com­pon­ents present in sea salt, such as minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, but free of sodium chloride (common salt). Sodium chloride is the major com­pon­ent of sea salt and increases the con­duct­iv­ity of water con­sid­er­ably.

With PREIS MINERAL SALT you can finally prepare your osmosis water or soft tap water in such a way that you obtain a pre­cisely adjusted, mineral-rich water for repla­cing evap­or­ated aquarium water or for the addition of sea salt. This way all minerals vital for the growth and thriving of inver­teb­rates and coral are added when repla­cing water.

We recom­mend MINERAL KOMPLEX S for addi­tion­al enrich­ment with the trace elements stron­ti­um, iron, selenium and iodine.

In the aquarium magazine Koralle 14/2002 Hans Werner Balling recom­mends a pro­ced­ure for adding cal­ci­fied water with calcium chloride and sodium hydrogen car- bonate. When fol­low­ing this pro­ced­ure, PREIS MINERAL SALT is added as a sea salt mixture free of sodium chloride.

With the help of PREIS MINERAL SALT, alkaline fresh­wa­ter can be prepared which cor­res­ponds to the par­tic­u­lar water con­di­tions found in the Malawi and Tan­ga­nyika Lakes.

Art.Nr. 169Art.Nr. 170Art.Nr. 230

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