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Preis Easy Glue® Bond

Preis Easy Glue® Bond


Wody morskiej & Słodka woda

Preis Easy Glue® Bond
Preis Easy Glue® Bond is a quick-setting reef and coral mortar, especially designed for aquascaping in saltwater tanks.

Easy bonding for decorations like pillars, caves or plateaus and any arran- gements of rock forms.

Mixing-ratio (for moist reef rock) 1:3. 

Preis EASY-GLUE Bond is perfectly suited for bonding dry rock outside the tank.

A use under water is also possible, but please note that in a pre-stocked aquarium only small quantities of rock should be processed at once, due to a temporary increase of the pH value. Preis EASY-GLUE Bond is quick-setting and safe for all marine dwellers in your aquarium.

Preis EASY-GLUE Bond is also well suited to propagate coral frags.

We offer 5 kg buckets for wholesale distributers on request.

Art.Nr. 352

Pytanie dotyczące produktu

Preis Easy Glue® Bond1000g5Kg (auf Anfrage)
Preis Aquaristik - Fachhandel der Aquarianer!